TrueShape Jawline/ V-Line and Chin Feminization Surgery

Another Lower Part of Your Face That Wants To Be Feminized

Chin Surgery

The lower part of your face is the last puzzle piece that wants to be solved to turn your male face into a female face. Take a close look at the following pictures and define yourself which face resembles a female or a male face for you and why.


When you compare carefully, you will see tendencies of wider, more square, and “generally bigger” jaw and chin appearance in the male faces and a rounder, smaller, more delicate and more pointed appearance of the jaw and chin area in the female faces.


The fact of a smaller jaw and a more pointed chin is where the term V-Line Surgery comes from since a very feminine jawline creates a V-like shape when one draws an arrowhead from “left jaw angle” to “chin” to “right jaw angle”.


Dr. Kaushik offers various surgical ways and non-surgical as well as surgical Soft Tissue Modifications (STM) to feminize your jawline and chin.


Jaw And Chin STM (Non-Surgical Soft-Tissue-Modification)

These non-invasive procedures modify various soft tissue – that is fat, muscle, and skin tissue along your mandible to create the desired feminization effect. As a standard, they always complement our V-Line Surgery (Bone Surgery) but can be performed as stand-alone procedures also.

  • Jaw Angle STM
    Reducing the mass of your masseter muscle (the muscle you chew with) will create a jaw angle correction in the rear portion of your jawline. A botulinum toxin (like Botox) will be injected into your masseter muscle which will decrease its size and volume. Part of that volume loss will be regained, but about 40-50% of the volume loss is permanent. The procedure can be repeated multiple times until the desired reduction of the jaw angle is achieved – decreasing the width of the jaw.
  • Jowl STM
    The jawline and chin section of your mandible will get a liposuction treatment to give the jawline and chin area a more defined appearance and a fresher, more feminine look.
  • Buccal Fat STM
    The fat deposits in the buccal areas get removed through an incision placed inside your mouth (intraoral incision). This decreases the size of the lower cheek area which results in a smaller, more feminine lower cheek area.
  • Double Chin STM
    A double chin consists of fat deposits only. The fat deposits that hide your proper chin shape and the beginning of your jawline will be removed exposing a more female-like neck and proper lower face contours


When is V-Line Surgery (Bone Surgery) a great option for me?

V-Line surgery will redefine the lower part of your face when you have these male attributes:


  • Square or U-shaped jawline
  • Proper masculine – wide and prominent – jaw shape with a defined and visible jaw angle
  • Bloated or “chubby” cheeks
  • Double chin, short chin, elongated chin, or wide chin

A wide and prominent jaw and a square, large chin are those male lower facial gender markers that want elimination. The goal is to create a smaller, slender, and more feminine V-like profile. Just as with our STM procedures, the three elements that shape your lower face get addressed surgically: the jaw angles, the width of the jaw, the body of the mandible, and the size and shape of the chin.

V-Shaping Result (V-Line Surgery with Soft Tissue Modifications)

Okay – I decide I need that – so what now?

Every face has its unique character and shape on top of the more general attributes. The lower part of your face needs to match the character of your face.

This is why your consultation with Dr. Kaushik will be so important.

He will give you his best advice on how to transform the character of your lower male face into a lower female face that fits your face‘s character and appearance.
Out of all available procedures to feminize and beautify your lower face – surgical and STM procedures – Dr. Kaushik will suggest those procedures that will work best for you – and you decide which options make sense to you.


Find a quick summary of the most important and most often used procedures below:

  • Jaw angle reduction
    Your jaw bone is worked on in such a way that your jaw will be reduced in width as well as in height, while at the same time the jaw angle at the rear of your jaw will be reduced and appear more rounded and less “edgy”
  • V-line surgery
    A more aggressive approach to give your jaw-chin area a more heartshaped or V-shaped appearance
  • Chin shaving:
    The square edges of your chin will be shaved and rounded and the overall shape of your chin will be shaved to reduce its size
  • Chin Implant for chin projection balance
    More chin projection can be created either using a chin implant or by using your own bone to set the chin forward (genioplasty). Dr. Kaushiks uses a small chin implant for chin feminization only. The use of chin implants gives a very precise and predictable result while at the same time they are very well tolerated and hardly cause any rejection reactions.

TrueShape Orthognathic Surgery (Correction of Prominent Jaws/Gummy Smile) might be necessary to create the more vertical plane of a female face by setting back the upper and/or lower jaw.

Recognised by International Institutes