Transition Roadmap
Step By Step ... To The Real You

- Have your sex hormone status taken (via a blood sample)
- Start puberty freeze if you are aged 10-15
- Start HRT immediately if you are a late-puberty or a post-puberty transgender individual
- Check your sex chromosome status – Karyotype Investigation (via a blood sample)
- Have a regular sex hormone status update all 4 weeks for the first 3 months
- Then have a sex hormone status update all 3 months

- Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS)
- Voice Feminization Surgery (VFS)
- Breast Augmentation Surgery (BA)
- Orchiectomy (removal of the testes/testicles)
- Facial hair removal via electrolysis or laser

Male to Female:
Only after 12 months of HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) are you eligible for Step 4:
- GCS/SRS – Genital Confirmation Surgery/ Sexual Reassignment Surgery
All world-class surgeons adhere to this 12-month waiting period because these were stated in the WPATH Standards of Care. All world-class surgeons who are members of WPATH follow these WPATH Standards of Care guidelines.

Female to Male:
- Top Surgery (Mastectomy/ Breast Removal)
- Removal of the Uterus, the Ovaries, and the Fallopian Tubes (Hysterectomy)
- Removal of the Vagina (Vaginectomy)
- Urethral Elongation/Metoidioplasty (Urethral Masculinization)
- Penis Reconstruction (Phalloplasty)
- Creation of a Scrotal Sack (Scrotoplasty)
Exemptions of the 12 month rule may apply to certain TS*men, depending on the personal circumstances and situation, since the WPATH Standards of Care declare:
Chest surgery in FtM patients could be carried out earlier, preferably after ample time of living in the desired gender role and after one year of testosterone treatment. The intent of this suggested sequence is to give adolescents sufficient opportunity to experience and socially adjust to a more masculine gender role, before undergoing irreversible surgery. However, different approaches may be more suitable, depending on an adolescent’s specific clinical situation and goals for gender identity expression.
Our OLMEC Promise:
We will make sure that you as our patient will get some of the safest, well-proven, and most reliable medical and surgical treatments available in India today.