Miss Indore Shree 2015
Miss Central India 2018
Miss Trans Queen India 2018
Miss International Queen 2019
Actress, Mode
"Pioneer for Gender Affirmation Surgery (Sex Change Surgery) in India"
I wanted to create a place for a very neglected and often misunderstood group of our society: the Gender Incongruent (transgender) population.
A place where transgender individuals would receive proper medical care and assistance - instead of oftentimes dying lonely and with unbelievable pain because of the outcomes of the "surgeries" they received and which they allowed to happen because they didn't know any better - no one educated them on what they were agreeing to.
That is why in my vision Olmec also had to be a place of teaching transgender individuals about proper medical care. It also had to be a place to teach families and society as a whole about what it means to be transgender to create tolerance and understanding. This is now reality.
Welcome to Olmec The Premier Transgender Surgery Institute New Delhi, India - where We Care.Gender Incongruence/ Gender Dysphoria/Gender Identity Disorder:
Gender Incongruence is defined as marked/persistence incongruence between one’s assigned sex at birth (biological sex) and the experienced or felt/perceived gender. Gender Incongruence is also known as Gender Identity Disorder (GID) or Gender Dysphoria.
As per WHO Declaration (May, 2019), Gender Incongruence is no more a Psychiatric Illness.
The treatment is popularly known as Transition or Transformation (Male to Female transition and Female to Male transition).
The first step in the path of treatment /transitioning journey of a transsexual /transgender (both MtF or FtM) is to get the diagnosis of Gender Incongruence/Gender Dysphoria. This is established by an experienced psychiatrist who specially deals in the field of Transgenderism. Depending on the situation, psychological counselling may be advised for a certain period.
Once the diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria is established, Hormonal Therapy is instituted in accordance to Endocrinologist. This is also known as Medical Transition. Hormone therapy in transgenders (Transmen and Transwomen) is popularly known as HRT. Hormonal Replacement Therapy in Female to Male transgenders is also known as T (Testosterone) Therapy. Oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone blockers (T- blockers) are the mainstay for male to female medical transition.
After a certain period of hormonal treatment, sex reassignment surgeries (procedures) are carried out also known as Surgical Transition. The usual practice followed is as per WPATH standards/guidelines, though the guidelines are quite flexible and vary individual to individual.
Sex reassignment surgery (abbreviation SRS, also known as Gender affirmation surgery or Sex change operation) is conglomerate term used for all the surgical procedures which are carried out to alter a person’s physical appearance and function to resemble to that of opposite sex. Other terms used for Sex reassignment procedure are Gender reassignment surgery, Gender Correction Surgery, Gender Confirmation Surgery.
Various Male to Female surgical transition procedures are -
Various Female to Male surgical transition procedures are—
Our in house pharmacy cares for all of your surgery related and transgender hormone related medical needs.
Dr. Rajiv Sharma is one of India's most versed and capable Psychiatrist in the field of transgender issues. He will attend to all individuals who have needs concerning teenagers, families, and to all individuals who deal with transgender issues and seek guidance, help, and support.
Dr. Arun will give you his best possible support on how to proceed with a healthy and effective hormone therapy (HRT) during your transitional phase as well as after SRS/ GCS surgery - since life-long HRT will then be necessary.
Dr. Bhardwaj can be of assistance, whenever the advice of a gynecologist is requested. He also had a great impact on how Olmec's Dr. Kaushik developed his surgical techniques and he has great in-depth knowledge on all SRS surgeries.