Cosmetic GCS/SRS outcome of a 32-year-old MtF transgender patient resulting in a vaginal depth of about 4 inches
The patient is happy with a natural female appearance of the outer genitalia.
The result pictures show very well defined hairless labia minora being lifted
Proper female vulva appearance including a well-defined clitoris and well-defined labia minora
Right labia minora
Left labia minora
Cosmetic GCS/SRS outcome of a 28-year-old MtF patient resulting in a vaginal depth of about 5 inches
The patient is highly satisfied with the natural female appearance of the outer genitalia
The result pictures show an excellent demonstration of well defined hairless labia minora
Proper female appearance of the vulva including a well-defined clitoris, well-defined labia minora, and a natural introitus
Right labia minora
Left labia minora
Cosmetic GCS/SRS of a 26-year-old MtF patient from Hyderabad, India
She opted for cosmetic GCS/SRS due to financial constraints and the Sigma-Lead vaginoplasty will be performed at a later date
The option of a Sigma-Lead vaginoplasty using a short colon graft for greater depth and better vaginal sensation is available
The patient is happy with the shape of the outer genitalia and currently content with a vaginal depth of 4 inches
In cases like those, the combination of a cosmetic GCS/SRS and a Sigma-Lead vaginoplasty performed at a later date remains the best option to achieve an excellent sensitive and functional result
Proper female appearance of the vulva including a well-defined clitoris, well-defined labia minora, and a natural introitus
Right labia minora
Right labia minora, lateral groove
Sigma-Lead GCS/SRS result of a 30-year-old MtF patient from West Bengal, India
The patient is extremely satisfied with the results
The patient thoroughly appreciated the rapid post-op recovery and short overall healing period
The visible pinkish margins are the fresh junctional scars which will disappear over time
The patient completed dilation training
Proper looking vulva where the healing margins of the vagina can be seen
Demonstration of the defined normal sized arousable clitoris and the sensitive labia minora
Sigma-Lead GCS/SRS result of a 26-year-old MtF patient from Africa
Well formed clitoris, labia majora, and minora
Vaginal depth achieved: about 9 inches.
Picture showing dilation with the soft dilator 7 days after surgery.
Cosmetic GCS/SRS outcome of a 36-year-old MtF patient from China resulting in a vaginal depth of 5 inches
Well defined clitoral hooding, labia majora and labia minora
Sigma-Lead GCS/SRS result of a 40-year-old MtF patient from South Africa
The picture shows the hairless inner surface of the labia minora and depicts a clearly visible clitoris and the clitoral hood.
The vaginal introitus showing the mucosa covered lining can be appreciated
Vaginal depth achieved: 9 inches
Clearly visible outer genitalia including the pubic mound and the labia
Legs butterflied open showing the clitoris, hairless labia minora, urethral opening, and vaginal opening
Sigma-Lead GCS/SRS result of a 30-year-old MtF patient
The patient is extremely happy with the results
The clitoris is clearly visible and was made slightly oversized as per patient’s desire
Vaginal depth achieved: 9 inches, allowing for proper sexual intercourse of the patient
27-year-old MtF patient from Nepal who received cosmetic GCS/SRS following Sigma-Lead vaginoplasty 1 year later
The patient completed her dilation regimen until 4 months post-op with no further dilation necessary
Vaginal depth achieved: fully functional 8 inches
2-year follow-up picture sent by the patient
Before Surgery
After Sigma-Lead Surgery
Demonstrating vaginal depth after Sigma-Lead GCS/SRS
27-year-old MtF patient from Nepal who received cosmetic GCS/SRS following Sigma-Lead vaginoplasty 1 year later
The patient completed her dilation regimen until 4 months post-op with no further dilation necessary
Vaginal depth achieved: fully functional 8 inches
2-year follow-up picture sent by the patient
External genitalia
Insertion of the rigid dilator into the vaginal opening
Sigma-Lead GCS/SRS outcome of a 23-year-old MtF patient from the Philippines resulting in a vaginal depth of 10 inches