Buttock Enhancement for Male to Female

Buttock Enhancement for Male to Female Sex Change Surgery

Male buttocks are narrower, firmer and angular while female hips are round and fuller.

In M to F transgender, hip / buttock / gluteal enhancement is one of the important procedures.

Especially after breast augmentation large breasts above with slim hips attract attention and give so-called fake appearance to a transgender.

Male to female buttock reshaping (buttock enhancement / gluteal enhancement) may be necessary and is gaining popularity day by day.

There are two basic procedures for buttock enhancement:

  • Gluteal Implants
  • Fat Graft (Brazilian Butt Lift)

Gluteal Implants / Buttock Implants

The gluteal Implants are solid silicone prosthesis. These are available in two shapes (oval and round) with wide range of sizes.


A detailed analysis of upper and lower buttock is mandatory to decide the size and shape of implant.

Procedure: There are two types of incisions

  • The incision is made in natal cleft.
  • Two curvilinear incisions are made on either side of cleft. Use of two incisions has resulted in very less chance of wound dehiscence.

A pocket is dissected out in intramuscular plane depending on the size of the implant. The desired implant is inserted into the pocket and the wound is closed, with a vacuum drain. A pressure dressing is given.

Frequently the hip area is liposculpted with fat grafting to get overall feminine gluteal aesthetics.

After gluteal implant you need to wear a pressure /support garment for about 2-3 weeks. Final results are visible after 3-6 months as the swelling goes away and overlying skin gets settled accordingly.

Post Operative Instructions

  • There is no need to change the dressing on hip for initial 48 – 72 hrs. (except for fecal contamination)
  • Patient lies prone (on stomach) for one week.
  • Drains and foley’s catheter is kept for initial 48 – 72 hrs.
  • Patient can stand up with limited walk after 24 – 48 hrs.
  • You will need antibiotics and pain killers for 7- 10.days.
  • Pressure garment is needed for 2-3 weeks.

Buttock Enhancement with fat grafting (Brazilian butt lift)

Brazilian butt lift is the procedure commonly preferred to add projection and girth to the buttocks. It is not only very common in transgenders but also popular in biological females.

The fat is harvested from abdomen, flanks and / or lower back. The fat is processed and injected into the area for desired augmentation.

Key Points

  • Surgery is less invasive and recovery is faster.
  • Fat being natural, it is safer with less complications.
  • Requirement is, that individual should have sufficient body fat.
  • Advantage is your fat tummy and flank liposuction getting shape of waist along with buttock enhancement.
  • Over the period fat gets absorbed and hence buttock augmentation may need touch up / top op procedure.

Recognised by International Institutes